Thursday, October 2, 2008

Drama hits the Drama Department!

Last week, two students, were rehearsing at the Drama department, when they were mugged. Get this, there are CPU guards outside the entrance 24/7. Yet, the girls were still mugged inside the department by two street kids. This makes you wonder what these guards are doing, because they are obviously not doing their jobs - protecting the students. How are we, students, expected to feel safe walking around campus, if we are not even protected inside?

A few days ago, I went to the computer labs, which is on the other side of campus for me, and as I was walking back, the streets were deserted. It was pitch-black and there wasn't a soul nor a panic button in sight. I could have been mugged or raped, and probably no one would have heard me because the wind was howling so loud. I was so freaked out. I got back to my residence, red-faced and out of breath!

Now I realise what the students who don't have laptops or computers have to go through: constant paranoia and a hardcore workout. No seriously, it's very scary to think that you could be a victim of a crime in a place that is said to be safe: campus. It is also not cool to live your life in constant fear, it's enough to have to deal with all the academic stress; we don't need all this other crap.

So basically, a few words of advice, don't trust anyone and don't go anywhere alone!
I would just like to add that taking it from the street kids' point of view, they're starving and desperate, and often we see them as a nuisance, forgetting that they actually are human beings too. They're just trying to survive and maybe if we helped them a bit, by getting involved with the local community, supporting societies like G.R.A.S.S and Masincedane, or just giving them a bit of food; that would ease the tension between us 'rich brats' and them. Or is that too much to ask?

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