Friday, September 26, 2008

Letter to My younger Self

Dear friend
Firstly I just want to welcome you for your first year in University, the beginning of your new life with different people, a place where you can make your dreams come true if you believe in yourself that, you have what it takes to be studying in a university. I know that you are so excited and nervous because this is your first time to be on your own, away from your family and friends, with no one you know, and I know you going to miss home which is a natural thing to do, but don’t forget that your family is going nowhere and you will get time to see them again so for now it’s time to start your new family. You know, for the first time in varsity life is very interesting and also challenging, so when it comes to your social life, I want you to be careful on what you choose to do and not to do because there is a lot of different things happening and some of them they will do no good to you, so to make your life easier you must make friends with people who will be a positive influence to you, people who will not want you to change who you are in order to meet their standards, people who will accept you as you are.In terms of academics, believe me when it comes to varsity subjects all sound really good and interesting but don’t just take any course without doing some research about it in order to find out what the course is really about because you will end up with regrets of doing something which you don’t even know why you are doing it
Study hard and everything will be okay
Your future friendKenny


  1. Awe Kenzo.

    Hi bra, just read your post and it's quite informative. I must say your take on the friend issue is quite true, most people when they get to varsity for the first time don’t really take time to choose friends carefully, anyone who looks cool, or has one thing in common or maybe has something you like is the new best friend. It is quite important that one is with friends that will help them grow and not decay, morally that is. And the subject choice good advice man, it is really important that one picks courses base solely on informed decisions and not influences from parents friends or any other person.


  2. Greetings Kenny,

    It's good to hear a straight truth from a stranger. I have found that people pretend to be something or someone and once you dig further you realise it was all nonsense. The guy that carries you home once you can't stand let alone walk while being just as plastered as you are is a quality one cannot see at the surface. I think the point is just to keep sifting through the nonsense till you find something that's decent.

    I have to admit that half the subjects I'm doing sounded better than they actually are. I agree with you; one needs to be very careful and do your homework before choosing the subjects that you will be stuck with for at least a year.

